I am the President. No matter how the media and the angry mobs have reduced me. I am the President. I was chosen among thousands and chosen by millions. A man born on the same soil as you all, I chose to lead and not be lead. I made decisions that were the caliber of a President and only I would be answerable to myself for these acts. I have enemies but I have stronger friends. They have helped me throught thick and thin and to date whatever I am is because of them. I have helped them in their worst scenarios. If you want to throw a stone at me then please do so. But remember fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame me. It has become mandatory for you all to listen to what I have to say and make an opinion out of it.
I have prayed to God everyday but dont you dare say that I have played him.
If that were possible, I would have.
'Ego is only an atom' Bhinayak. Sure the President's got loads of it :)
Liked the way the President made his statement within the span of a blink. Simple. But effective.
Keep it rolling. Inking. Er.. typing?!
I made decisions that were the caliber of a President and only I would be answerable to myself for these acts. why past tense and future tense? WHY!?
*of the caliber
" But remember fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame me. "
mmm... i differ from Twinkle.
this was short but rambling and couldnt hold me at all. i didnt know what youre getting at. it was like a little puppy trying to be a big growler, and not doing a very good impersonation of it.
im sure you can make this more authoritarian, if thats what you were going for.
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